IJMOT Paper Review Process

IJMOT adopts an international review standard which lays emphasis on research groundwork, novelty, presentation, and format. Papers that authors submit to IJMOT must be original work, never published earlier in any medium, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. It also focuses on whether the paper is based on original research, as well as creativity of research method and rationality of conclusion.

Here's how to do it:

  • The submitted manuscript must not have been previously accepted for publication or under review elsewhere.
  • Each manuscript will be primarily examined by the editor in chief/editors, and then forwarded to three referees for blind review.
  • The research paper shall be published subject to recommendation of referees. The review process may take up to two months. The Editor relies upon the evaluation reports provided by the reviewers, the originality and relevance of the ideas addressed in the article and the possible contribution to the journal in deciding whether to accept the manuscript for publication.
  • The author’s shall be informed about the selection of the article/paper by e-mail only.
  • Still have a query? please Contact Us for further assistance. OR Write us:

IJMOT is an international journal and publisher dedicated to advancing mircowave and optical technology around the world by serving as an educator, leader, spokesperson and professional association.

© 2005 - International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology (IJMOT), IAMOT ISSN 1553-0396.
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