• 2005

    Journal Started

    This was the time when we started our journal. We had no idea how far we would go, we weren’t even sure that we would be able to survive for a few years. What drove us to start the journal was the understanding that we could provide a service no one else was providing.

  • 2006

    First Publication

    We published our first historic issue of the International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology (IJMOT), a new online journal. This was one of the very few journals in the world where microwaves and optical technology have been combined. This certainly fulfills the long cherished desire of researchers who are working in both of these areas separately or as microwave photonics. They can now publish their work as full length papers in this new journal.

  • 2008

    Published 4th Volume

    We decided to publish IJMOT every alternate month. This is certainly one step forward in the direction of publishing IJMOT every month in 5 yrs time period. This has been possible due to dedicated and prompt service by our reviewers, Editorial Advisory Board Members and Associate Editors. Now we planed to work in the publicity area of IJMOT which we could not do so far due to several reasons. We are still continuing the experiment of allowing authors to access not only their papers but the whole issue without paying any charges for a limited duration. For this purpose they will be provided with a special log in ID and password for this limited time period. It is expected that they will keep this log in ID and password up to them only.

© 2005 - International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology (IJMOT), IAMOT ISSN 1553-0396.
No. of Visitors 1091391