Our Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Dr. Prof Banmali Rawat
Founder/Editor-in-Chief IJMOT, University of Nevada, Reno
Dr. Alaudin Bhanji
NASA- Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
Prof. Reinhard Bruch
University of Nevada , U.S.A
Prof. J.N.Dahiya
Southeast Missouri State University, U.S.A.
Prof. Franco Giannini
(Associate Editor)
University of Rome, ITALY
Prof. Teresa M. Martina-Guerrero
Universidad de Malaga, SPAIN
Prof.George Jandieri
Georgian Techinical University, GEORGIA
Prof. Jean Le Bihan
(Associate Editor), Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Brest(ENIB), FRANCE
Prof. Ernesto Limiti
University of Rome, ITALY
Prof. N. Morita
Chiba Institute of Technology, JAPAN
Prof. Juan E. Page
(Associate Editor), Polytechnic University of Madrid, SPAIN
Prof. Jaromir Pistora
(Associate Editor), VSB-Technical University of Ostrva CZECH REPUBLIC
Prof. Sheila Prasad
Northeastern University, U.S.A.
Prof. B.M.A. Rahman
City University of London, U.K.
Prof. Yun-Jiang Rao
University of Electronic Science and Technology, CHINA
Prof. David A. Rogers
North Dakota State University, U.S.A.
Prof. I.V. Shvets
Trinity College, IRELAND
Prof. K. Sunduchkov
National Technical University of Ukraine, UKRAINE
Professor Jianping Yao
(Associate Editor) University of Ottawa, CANADA
Prof. Kiyotoshi Yasumoto
(Associate Editor), Kyushu University, JAPAN
Prof. Kartikeyan Machavaram,
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, INDIA
Prof. Thomas Otto,
Chemnitz University of Technology, GERMANY