VOL. 19, NO. 3, MAY 2024
Reno, NV 89511, U.S.A.
MAY 2024 VOLUME 19 NUMBER 3 IJMOT ISSN: 1553-0396
Banmali S Rawat


Manuscript Title:A Novel Quad-Band Phi Shape Dual Square/Circular Ring Antenna for WLAN, WiFi and WiMAX Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2023-11-352652
Nowadays multiband antennas are preferred in wireless communication. Emerging technologies demand compact multiband antennas to support different frequency ranges required for diverse applications. This paper outlines the design of quadband antenna mainly for the UWB frequency range. Accordingly, two compact microstrip structures namely Phi Shape Dual Square ring (PSDSR) and Phi Shape Dual Circular ring (PSDCR) are proposed. The concept begins with designing a primary antenna that involves merging of monopole antenna with the PSDSR structure. The designed dimensions of PSDSR viz. ring perimeter, gap and width are applied directly to the PSDCR antenna without any variation. Anysis HFSS has been used to evaluate the performance of proposed antennas in terms of VSWR, return loss, gain, radiation pattern, and surface current. Simulation results reveal that the two antennas have remarkably similar responses in four different frequency bands.
The proposed antennas are fabricated on FR4 substrate and have dimensions of 72x23x1.6mm. It is found that measured and simulated results are in close resemblance with each other. The VSWR values are obtained between 1 and 2 which indicate that these antennas have good impedance matching with the feed line. The designed antennas find variety of applications in technologies such as WiFi, WiMAX, WLAN and 5G wireless systems.
Authors:Kiran V. Ajetrao, Ameya K. Naik, Shailendra P Shatri, Nitin S. Nagori
Submitted On:27-11-2023
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 105
Manuscript Title:A Bandpass Filter with Triple-Narrow Notch Bands Based on Metamaterials SRR Configurations for UWB Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2023-12-352661
L’article présente un filtre passe-bande (BPF) avec trois bandes étroites et crantées pour les applications à bande ultra-large (UWB). Initialement, un L’UWB BPF de base est conçu à l’aide d’une microbande résonateur multimode (MMR) avec un résonateur ouvert embout d’impédance chargé en son centre. Par la suite, le résonateur à anneau fendu (SRR) est utilisé pour générer une triple bande crantée étroite, permettant aux signaux à rejeter. La simulation et la Les résultats de mesure montrent une bonne concordance, démontrant des performances de filtrage efficaces. Le gamme de fréquences est de 2,81 GHz à 10,2 GHz. Au-delà Dans cette fourchette, il y a un fort rejet. Notamment trois bandes étroitement entaillées à 5,29, 5,83 et 7,99 GHz sont utilisés pour obtenir des interférences dans la bande avec des largeurs de bande fractionnaires de -3 dB de 2,64 %, 2,91 % et 1,77 %, et des taux de rejet de - 17,15 dB, -11,65 dB et -11,56 dB, respectivement. Les dimensions physiques du filtre fabriqué sont de 25,9 x 13,7 mm2.
Authors:Mohamed. Aissioui, Djamel. Kendil, Khelil. Fertas , Fouad Fertas
Submitted On:26-12-2023
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 31
Manuscript Title:A Compact Double Comb Shape Slotted Rectenna for Ambient RF Energy Harvesting
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-1-352670

This article presents a novel 2.45 GHz compact double comb-shaped slotted rectenna system that is intended to capture RF energy from the environment. The suggested rectenna incorporates two comb-like structures onto a square patch antenna, and the voltage doubler rectifier circuit has a small footprint, measuring 48x31x1.5mm3. The suggested design includes semi-circular slots at the patch center for improved bandwidth and impedance matching, and double comb structures to increase antenna return loss characteristics and radiation performance. The Rectenna prototype was built on a 1.5 mm thick, cost-effective FR-4 substrate to assess the performance of the system. Both a modelling tool and a measurement are used to analyze the harvesting capacity of the rectenna.  The analysis findings show a return loss (S11) of -10 dB across a fractional bandwidth of 17.14% between 2.3 GHz and 2.48 GHz. The rectifier circuit provides a maximum energy conversion efficiency of 83% at 2.45 GHz and output voltage of 2.2V with a 2 KO load resistance. The analysis of the experiment's data shows that the suggested rectenna can efficiently gather RF energy from the surrounding environment.  

Authors:Saranya N, Raja P, Jayanthi S, Vighneshwara B, Janani R, Raghavardhini K
Submitted On:06-01-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 43
Manuscript Title:Analysis and Design of High Gain Compact Size Circular Polarized RFID Patch Antenna
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-1-352680

In this paper, a systematic approach to reduce size of circular patch antenna is demonstrated. A detailed analysis of electrical behavior of antenna is presented for different slots and slit to determine path to attain size reduction of the antenna. Final size of the antenna is reduced by combining two circular sector slots of length 900, circular slot of radius 25 mm and a diametric slit of length 15 mm to 0.52 ?o x 0.52 ?o x 0.029 ?o mm3. The antenna is designed to cover UHF RFID application band. The antenna bandwidth obtained is 41 MHz and gain of the antenna is 7.3 dBi at 866 MHz. The proposed work is compared with other existing work and is observed that the proposed antenna not only is compact in size but has highest gain. All the measured results are in close agreement with the simulated results and is a very suitable candidate for making high gain compact array antenna. 

Authors:S. P. Shastri, D. Archana, C. Purnima, K. V. Ajetrao
Submitted On:23-01-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 35
Manuscript Title:Analysis of a Low-profile L-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna with DGS for ISM and Sub-6GHz Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-2-352697
A dual band L-shaped patch antenna with a defected ground structure is designed and tested for wireless communication applications like ISM and sub-6GHz. Excitation of the antenna is given through a 50? feed line. Concentric circular rings with different radius have been subtracted from the ground plane to attain better results in terms of return loss, gain and wider bandwidth. Parametric analysis of the antenna is done by using HFSS, chemical etching has been utilized to fabricate the antenna and the antenna is tested by utilizing MS2037C Anritsu combinational Analyser. The L-shaped microstrip patch antenna exhibits dual band characteristics at 2.3GHz-2.6GHz and 3.7GHz-3.8GHz with S11 of -30dB and -38 dB with a gain of 4.61dBi. The overall size of the antenna is 1.20?0X1.20?0X0.21?0 and to validate the antenna, it is fabricated by using Rogers/RT duroid 5880 the simulated results are in good agreement with the measured antennas results and it is well suited for ISM band as well as for sub-6GHz applications.
Authors:Pratyusha Pushadapu, Sunil Kumar
Submitted On:02-02-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 34
Manuscript Title:5G Antenna Appropriate for Smart IoT Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-2-352700
The growing need for high-speed telecommunications has prompted substantial research into fifth-generation (5G) technologies. Many industries require quick data throughput, low latency, and consistent radiation patterns utilizing 5G technology. This article proposes an antenna with two simulations and measurements for different 5G applications. The proposed antenna is characterized by its small size and the fact that it operates at many frequencies ranging from 1 to 10 GHz. The results obtained from this antenna were perfect compared to the antennas proposed in previous articles, so we noticed that the ratio of the reflection coefficient at all frequencies is much less than -10 dB for the simulation and measurement sides. Therefore, the highest value of the reflection coefficient is -85 dB at a frequency of 8 GHz. In addition, we noticed that the radiation pattern measurements' results are almost omnidirectional and identical to the simulated radiation pattern. Finally, we concluded that the antenna is appropriate for several 5G intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) uses.
Authors:Karrar Shakir Muttair, Oras Ahmed Shareef, Hazeem B. Taher
Submitted On:09-02-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 23
Manuscript Title:A Tunable Third Order SIW Cavity Based Bandpass Filter Using Cross Shaped Slot
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-2-352702

In this paper, a third order tunable bandpass filter using substrate integrated wave guide (SIW) topology is presented. A cross shaped slot is etched on the top surface of the SIW cavity structure to implement the passband from 4.6 -5.1 GHz. The novel cross shaped slot is designed smartly on the top of the SIW cavity to achieve 3rd order bandpass filter characteristics without increasing the dimension of the cavity. By placing the cross shaped slot at an offset of 1.0 mm from the center of the cavity structure, a transmission zero is created on the upper side of the passband. Presence of transmission zero increases the selectivity of the propose structure and accomplish an upper wide stop band characteristic. Two varactor diodes a reloaded using the radial stubs on the top plane to produce tunable passband characteristics. The centre frequency of the passband is tuned over a band width of 600 MHz by properly applying the bias voltage. An equivalent circuit is presented in order to understand the working of the filter. To confirm the simulated results, the proposed filter is fabricated and measured. The simulated results area greed well with the measured results.

Authors:Md. Atiqur Rahman, Pankaj Sarkar
Submitted On:14-02-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 16
Manuscript Title:Compact Wideband Gap-Coupled Design of Shorted Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Using Rectangular Slot Cut Ground Plane
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-2-352703
A compact wideband gap-coupled rectangular microstrip antenna loaded with shorting posts and ground plane slots, on thinner substrate is presented in this paper. Gap-coupled configuration enhances the bandwidth, and shorting posts aids in realizing the required response offering reduced patch size against the gap-coupled design without the shorting posts. Shorted gap-coupled rectangular patch design yields simulated bandwidth of 14 MHz (1.5%) on a thinner substrate. To shift the bandwidth response to a lower frequency region, the gap-coupled configuration is proposed by introducing the slots on the ground plane. Ground plane slots shifts the bandwidth obtained to a lower frequency region thus making the antenna compact in size. This compact antenna offers simulated BW of 20 MHz (2.83%). As compared with the gap-coupled rectangular patches backed by conventional ground plane, slot cut ground plane design yields 37.31% reduction in the patch area. Compact gap-coupled antenna yields broadside pattern with a peak gain of above 1 dBi.
Authors:Venkata A. P. Chavali, Amit A. Deshmukh, Aarti G. Ambekar
Submitted On:15-02-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 28
Manuscript Title:Microstrip MIMO Antenna System for 5G Smart-Phone Application
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-3-352714
In this paper, a new broadband microstrip slot antenna operated at millimeter wave (mm-wave) band and utilized in 5G systems is introduced. The suggested radiator composed of a rectangular slot etched on the ground plane with internal embedded L-shaped stub inside it. Parametric studies were done on three major dimensions of the proposed antenna to study the effect of these parameters on the bandwidth. The proposed radiator operates from 23.78 GHz to 50 GHz with impedance bandwidth of 26.22 GHz. Therefore, the proposed antenna supports the new 5G millimeter wave bands that cover (24.25 – 29.5) GHz, (37 – 43.5) GHz, (45.5 – 47) GHz, and (47.2 – 48.2) GHz bands. The gain of the proposed slot antenna element varies from 4.3 dBi to 8 dBi with average value of 5.5 dBi. A novel 6×6 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) structure is introduced. The proposed MIMO radiator was fabricated on Roger4003C substrate. The isolation between each two adjacent antennas is below -35dB over the required 5G mm-Wave spectrum. The value of the envelope correlation coefficient between the antenna elements does not exceed 0.011. The diversity gains (DG) between the radiators exceeds
9.94 dB. There is a good agreement between the simulated and the measured results.
Authors:Mohamed S. El-gendy, M. Aboualalaa and Esmat A. Abdallah
Submitted On:06-03-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 38
Manuscript Title:Dual-Band Polyester-Based Wearable Bandpass Microstrip Filter using Stepped Impedance Resonator
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-3-352715

This research paper presents a compact dual-band polyester-based wearable bandpass microstrip filter using stepped impedance resonator. In the proposed wearable filter, pass band of 1.85 GHz to 2.66 GHz is useful for ISM band and 3.74 GHz to 7.42 GHz is appropriate to Wi-Fi, WLAN and Wi-Max frequency band applications respectively. In this filter, insertion loss of 0.147 dB and return loss of 32.6 dB at 2.38 GHz insertion loss of 0.469 dB and return loss of 32.3 dB at 4.54 GHz with fractional bandwidth of 34% and 81% is respectively achieved. The proposed wearable filter is fabricated using polyester cloth substrate and self-adhesive copper tape. The Agilent vector network analyzer is used to test the fabricated polyester filter. Good agreement is obtained between the simulated as well as measured insertion loss and return loss of the proposed wearable filter. Equivalent circuit and SAR analysis of this filter is also presented in this paper. Novelty of this research paper is fabrication of high bandwidth dual band wearable filter that can be integrated with wearable antenna to be a wearable Filtenna. Modified equivalent circuit of SIR is prepared and validated. Simulated and measured results are found to be in good agreement.

Authors:Jayant G. Joshi, Mandar P. Joshi, S. Raghavan, Shyam S. Pattnaik
Submitted On:06-03-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 53
Manuscript Title:Heuristic UTD Solutions for Plane Wave Diffraction by Uniaxial Chiral Half-Sheets
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-3-352716
Heuristic solutions are provided to evaluate the diffraction by uniaxial chiral screens that are isolated or arranged in planar junctions. The optical axial direction of the chiral medium is perpendicular to the screen surfaces. Plane waves at skew incidence with respect to the discontinuity of the structure are considered and the proposed solutions are built in accordance with the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction by using the reflection and transmission matrices at the shadow boundaries for the reflected and incident/transmitted electric fields. Renowned commercial software is customized and expended to validate the results.
Authors:Giovanni Riccio, Gianluca Gennarelli, Flaminio Ferrara, Rocco Guerriero, Francesco Chiadini
Submitted On:06-03-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 17
Manuscript Title:Compact Size High Gain RFID Antenna Array
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-4-352746

In this paper, a compact size, high gain, narrow beam array antenna is proposed for RFID application. A suitable compact size antenna with a gain of 7 dBi is designed as basic element for the array. This base antenna is designed using three slots. Unlike other works, all the three slots are different in shape. Electrical equivalent for this antenna is also proposed to understand antenna working. The same compact antenna is used as basic element to design a 2 x 2 antenna array. A 4:1 feeding network is designed and electrical equivalent of the same is proposed to show power division among the four-radiating patches. Overall size of antenna array is 1.04 ??0 x 1.04 ??0 x 0.029 ??0 mm3. Array’s radiation beamwidth is 530 and gain of the antenna array is 10.3 dBi. All the measured results are in good agreement with simulated results. The proposed work is compared with other existing works and is found to be highly compact with excellent gain for the same size.

Authors:S. Akanksha, C. Purnima, S. P. Shastri, A. Deshpande, S. Y. Pawar, A. Zanjade
Submitted On:25-04-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 26
Manuscript Title:Characterization and Validation of a Noise Model for PTH: Bridging the Gap between EVM and SNR in Optical Communication Systems
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-3-352729
This study delves deeply into the noise model characterization in HPTs and its intrinsic linkage with key performance indicators: the Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) and the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). Through a meticulous analysis, we have characterized a noise model post the tuning of the Error Vector Magnitude (EVM), aligning it closely with literature-reported metrics, as detailed in Table 1. The derived noise model is competitive in the market landscape, demonstrating a substantial fit with established curves utilizing the original conversion equation, despite observed non-linearities in the EVM measurements of the utilized PTH 10SQxEBC for noise model validation. Moreover, the study illustrates the transformation of the total SNR as a function of the input power of the established noise model, paving the way for a potent discussion and results segment in this research article. The simulation outcomes affirm the robustness of our noise model, which proves to be a strong contender in the market, substantiated by the conducted validation tests. This article serves as a vital reference point for professionals aiming to deepen their understanding of noise models in HPTs and their role in optimizing optical communication systems.
Authors:A.M. Diop, J.-L. Polleux, C. Algani, S. Mazer, M. Fattah, M. EL Bekkali
Submitted On:26-03-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 13
Manuscript Title:Augmenting Realities: Pioneering High-Speed Optical Communication Systems for Next-Generation AR Gaming
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2024-4-352730
This article investigates the transformative potential of augmented reality (AR) in crafting immersive and collaborative gaming experiences through the development of an innovative game scenario. We introduce a connected AR gaming space, enabling users to engage in a seamless and responsive play environment. Central to our approach is the utilization of optical link technology for data transmission between players' AR headsets and a central server. Our scenario highlights the enhanced interactivity and collaboration among players, made possible through advanced AR technologies. By leveraging optical communication, we not only address technical challenges but also open new avenues for game design and development in augmented reality settings. Simulations were conducted to analyze the performance of the optical link under various conditions. The results demonstrate the feasibility of transmitting AR data over distances of up to 50 km with high bit rates while maintaining acceptable signal quality factor (Q-factor). However, the Q-factor decreases with increasing distance and bit rate, highlighting the need for optimization and potential use of signal boosting techniques for longer distances. This research underscores the critical role of high-speed communication infrastructures in delivering immersive gaming experiences and paves the way for further development in AR gaming.
Authors:BEMMOUSSAT Chemseddine, BENGANA Abdelfatih, DEBBAL Mohammed, BOUREGAA Moueffeq
Submitted On:02-04-2024
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 40
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