VOL. 16, NO. 4, JULY 2021
Reno, NV 89511, U.S.A.
JULY 2021 VOLUME 16 NUMBER 4 IJMOT ISSN: 1553-0396
Banmali S Rawat


Manuscript Title:Channel Capacity and Polarization Diversity Study for Novel Compact UWB MIMO Antennas
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2020-12-112057
Abstract:This paper compares two dual-polarization (DP) MIMO systems with compact size, full isolation, and channel capacity for modern applications. Demonstrates two different designs of compact ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas. It presents two different designs of compact ultra-wide-band (UWB) antenna. These antennas are manufactured and designed to fit and compare to a four-element MIMO system. The first design is a compact UWB cup-antenna with a notch in the partial ground plane. The second design is a coplanar waveguide (CPW) UWB antenna. In this paper, the isolated coefficient for two dual-polarization (DP) and the channel capacity of the MIMO system is calculated to achieve the optimum antenna system for modern communications that are very low, approximately -20 dB. Further, the BW and channel capacity of these designs are better than the other previous works. The simulation results are taken using CST STUDIO SUITETM 2018. Furthermore, there is a great agreement between simulations and fabricated results.
Authors:M. I. Ahmed, M. F. Ahmed, H. Seleem
Submitted On:04-12-2020
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 95
Manuscript Title:Design of an Inclined Fractal Defected Ground-Based Polarized Antenna for WLAN Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2020-12-112067
Abstract:This paper proposes a single feed fractal ground-based micro-band antenna design, with the switching capability using the concept of an E-shaped patch with an inclined fractal ground structure (DGS). It, also, suggests several modifications for the antenna, such as the impact of the dimensions and the antenna's geometry. These modifications allow for multiple resonances which substantially improves the gain especially in small size narrowband up to -57dB at -10dB. Hence, the impedance bandwidth of -10 dB and axial ratio bandwidth for AR 3 dB of the proposed antenna is 3.5% at [5.55-5.75] GHz and 2.8% at [5.8-5.97] GHz, respectively. Ground-based structure antennas are highly sought for in restricted transmissions, namely WiMAX, RFID, and for long distance mobile communication directive antennas.
Authors:Mohamed Bikrat, Seddik Bri
Submitted On:25-12-2020
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 71
Manuscript Title:A Novel Approach Using Square of the Error and Error Autocorrelation for Grating Lobes Suppression in Adaptive Beamforming
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2020-12-122065
Abstract:The vast increase in wireless devices in the present era has put up a challenging task for the development of an efficient antenna system model in communication systems. In this work, a novel approach for an adaptive antenna model with a sophisticated algorithm design to electronically control the beam pattern is proposed. The proposed algorithm undergoes a continuous adaptation process. The design of the beamforming algorithm using the square of the error and error autocorrelation has provided reduced unintended grating lobes with improved stability. The desired beam pattern generated can steer and produce deeper nulls to decrease the effect of unwanted signals over the desired beam pattern. The simulation results show that the rate of convergence is improved by more than 20-40% when compared to the existing algorithms in various array configurations. This novel approach by using the square of the error and error correlation is superior in comparison with the Variable Step Size algorithm, Leaky LMS algorithm, Norm Leaky VSS-LMS algorithm. Hence, the proposed algorithm is suitable for high-speed wireless communication and RADAR systems.
Authors:Praneet Raj Jeripotula, B. Rajendra Naik, Mudavath Raju, C. Anil Kumar
Submitted On:31-12-2020
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 32
Manuscript Title:Channel Estimation for an OFDM System Based on Sending Pilots by LS and MMSE Techniques
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-1-122066
Abstract:In this paper, two techniques of channel estimation are studied. For both, a statistical estimation of the channel in the time domain is discussed. Assuming that the transmission is performed on a flat fading channel, the two estimation methods MMSE and LS are tested and compared. A reduction of the complexity of the MMSE method by simplifying the estimation matrix is put to the test to find a compromise between complexity and performance. The results presented are the error rate of symbol SER and the quadratic mean of the error MSE as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio SNR.
Authors:Sarah Zanafi, Noura Aknin
Submitted On:01-01-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 35
Manuscript Title:Low Profile Surface Mountable Compact Microstrip Antenna for GPS / WLAN Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-2-122073
Abstract:A low-profile, cross shaped, electrically compact and cost-effective antenna for wireless applications is designed and presented. The design footprint resonates at 1.57 GHz and 2.4 GHz offering the impedance bandwidth of 1.83% and 2.30% respectively. The self-complementary structure of the dipole incorporating multiple coupling elements permits adequate tuning of the antenna at the two resonating frequencies. Further complementary slots in the dipole permit further tuning for bandwidth. The measured antenna presents gain is 0.71 dBi and 1.27 dBi and with near similar radiation patterns for the two resonant frequencies is presented.
Authors:Upesh Patel, Trushit Upadhyaya
Submitted On:01-02-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 44
Manuscript Title:CPW Fed Dual Band Dual Sense Circularly Polarized Asymmetrical Y- Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-2-122075
Abstract:This paper presents, coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed novel dual asymmetrical Y- shaped microstrip patch antenna with wide impedance bandwidth for wireless communication applications. The antenna offers wide impedance bandwidth of (S11 < -10 dB) 2.88 GHz with dual band dual sense circularly polarized response at 3.5 GHz and 4.9 GHz. The simulated 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth of dual band antenna is 4.57% and 4.27% for 3.5 GHz and 4.9 GHz respectively. The proposed antenna radiates in left hand circular polarization for lower frequency (3.5 GHz) and right hand circular polarization for higher frequency (4.9 GHz) with peak gain of 1.47 dBi and 1.33 dBi respectively. The antenna is fabricated using FR4 substrate having size of 30 mm × 30 mm. The parametric analysis of the design parameters has been carried out to optimize the performance of antenna. The fabricated prototype is tested and measured impedance bandwidth is around 60%. The measured and simulated results are found in close agreement with each other. The novelty of this research work is the transmission line equivalent circuit of proposed CPW fed antenna structure is presented and discussed.
Authors:Mandar P. Joshi, Vitthal J Gond, Jayant J. Chopade
Submitted On:02-02-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 56
Manuscript Title:Design and Implementation of Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Inset Feed Technique for 2.4 GHz Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-2-122081
Abstract:IIn this paper, a new calculator form is designed to calculate all fundamental parameters for the microstrip patch antenna with the inset feed technique. The special algorithm is configured by MATLAB programming language to calculate the exact value of feed line width of the proposed antenna. Through this method, the designed model had used directly in manufacturing without any optimization or improvement. This antenna fabricated on the FR-4 substrate with a volume of 75 × 57 × 1.6 ??????.Experimental results show that the return loss, bandwidth, VSWR, and impedance are -38.86 dB, 58 MHz, 1.02, and 50.44 O respectively. The measured result of resonant frequency is very close to the simulated result.
Authors:Alaa M. Abdulhussein, Ali H. Khidhir, Ahmed A. Naser
Submitted On:15-02-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 73
Manuscript Title:Design of Slotted Substrate Integrated Slot Waveguide Antenna for WiMAX and WLAN Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-2-122082
Abstract:This research article examines a compact and dual-band antenna design. It consists of a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) with two crossed slots having equal lengths placed on the top conducting layer. One slot is radiating at 3.5 GHz (WiMAX) and the other is radiating at 5.9 GHz (WiLAN). Without changing the length of one of the slot, the resonance frequency is tuned to the higher frequency by placing the shorting vias at one of its ends. The reflection coefficient of the full mode SIW slot antenna is -29 dB at 3.5 GHz and -21 dB at 5.9 GHz. The observed maximum gain is 3.7 dB. The size of the design is 20.2*20.2*1.57 mm3. The same design is implemented as half mode SIW in which antenna width is reduced by half. The overall dimension is 20.2*10.1*1.57 mm3. This antenna is resonating at 3.4 GHz and 5.7 GHz and their respective reflection coefficients are -29 dB and -21 dB. It shows a maximum gain of 3.2 dB. The proposed antenna design is fabricated and tested using vector network analyser. The experimental results are reasonably matching with the simulation results.
Authors:Rekha S, Shine Let G
Submitted On:16-02-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 57
Manuscript Title:A New Design of mm-Wave MIMO Antenna with High Isolation for 5G Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-3-132089
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a new design for a four-ports Multiple-Inputs Multiple-Outputs (MIMO) antenna. The main aim behind this work in this paper is to present an antenna with a smaller size compared to the designs presented by researchers in previous works, and it operates in the wide and multi-bands required by most advanced communication systems. The structural scenario of this antenna is square-shaped designed using the CST Studio Suite with real dimensions of 36 mm × 36 mm and a thickness of 1.6 mm. This antenna carries both wide and multi bands and operates in the Millimeter-Wave (mm-Wave) spectrum. This antenna has been designed to be suitable for all the fifth-generation (5G) communication applications. Based on the results obtained from the CST, it is observed that the impedance bandwidth of the MIMO antenna system is from 39 to 75 GHz. In addition, the antenna gave excellent results as each antenna in the MIMO configuration works independently because the isolation ratio among all ports is greater than 24.539 dB, and it reaches 43 dB at a frequency of 71 GHz. Moreover, a set of key performance measures of the MIMO antenna were analyzed, the most important which is the Envelope Correlation Coefficient (ECC) and found that the ECC value is less than 0.00075. So, this value is very small compared to the ECC values that were presented in previous researches.
Authors:Karrar Shakir Muttair, Ali Z. Ghazi Zahid, Oras A. Al-Ani, Ahmed M. Q. AL-Asadi, Mahmood F. Mosleh
Submitted On:20-03-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 84
Manuscript Title:Dual-Polarized Circular Ring Monopole Antenna with High Isolation and Enhanced Bandwidth
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-3-132091
Abstract:A compact dual polarized circular ring monopole antenna with an octagonal slot is presented. The antenna consists of a pair of identical circular ring monopole radiators to achieve dual polarization across the ultrawideband. The impedance matching is achieved by using the octagonal ground slot. The overall size of the antenna is 54×54×1.6 mm3 which is fabricated on an FR4 substrate fed by a 50O microstrip feed line. The results show that the proposed antenna achieves an improved bandwidth of 132 % between 2.2 to 10.8 GHz and inter port isolation (S12) below -37 dB. The simulated and measured envelopecorrelation coefficient (ECC) below 0.030 isachieved in the desired band demonstratingextremely good decoupling performance. Theprimary advantage of the proposed design is itssimplicity; large impedance bandwidth and highinter port isolation as compared to the antennaspresented in the open literature.
Authors:Harikrishna Paik, K Premchand, R Srividhya
Submitted On:23-03-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 41
Manuscript Title:Circuit Models to Study the Radiated Susceptibility of Nonuniform Shielded Coaxial Cables
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-3-142092
Abstract:This paper presents Circuit Models which are developed for the analysis of the radiated and conducted susceptibilities of nonuniform shielded coaxial cables. The main advantage of the suggested methods compared to previous known ones is that it can be used to analyze the conducted and radiated susceptibilities of lossy coaxial shielded cables. It also has the ability to be used directly in the analysis of both time-domain and frequency-domain (Inverse Fourier Transform is not needed to carry out time-domain results) with linear and nonlinear loads. In order to obtain the voltage and current distributions, a two-step procedure is performed. First, the cables are subdivided into several uniform sections. Second, the Branin’s mode is used to obtain the voltage and current distributions. In this paper, three examples of applications in the time and frequency domains are presented in order to validate our model. The first example focuses on a coaxial shielded cable to analyze both the conducted and radiated immunity, while the second example focuses on a nonuniform coaxial shielded cable. The third example presents a complex configuration of a coaxial cable which has been exposed to an electromagnetic field incident. Finally, the performed simulations and obtained results will be thoroughly described, analyzed and compared with those obtained using other methods or measurements.
Authors:Saih Mohamed, Bouzidi Zahra, Rhazi Youssef
Submitted On:27-03-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 31
Manuscript Title:Dual Polarized Wideband Compact P-Shape Microstrip Antenna for GSM and LTE Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-4-142096
Abstract:Design of compact P-shape microstrip antenna for dual polarized wideband response is proposed. The two stubs placed on the edges of the P-shape patch optimizes the spacing in between the higher order TM01 and TM20 modes with respect to the fundamental TM10 mode that yield a bandwidth of more than 800 MHz (>65%). On air suspended substrate, the antenna exhibits broadside gain of more than 7 dBi over the impedance bandwidth. The orthogonal surface current variations across the TM10, TM01, and TM20 modes realize polarization agility satisfying the requirements of GSM900/LTE applications. With respect to the band start frequency, the proposed configuration offers a 5% reduction as compared with the equivalent rectangular microstrip antenna. The formulations in resonant length are derived by defining the resonant length at each P-shape patch mode. The P-shape antennas re-designed using them at given fundamental mode frequency yield similar dual polarized wideband response offering a bandwidth of > 60%.
Authors:Aarti G. Ambekar, Amit A. Deshmukh
Submitted On:02-04-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 34
Manuscript Title:Variations Of Summation Slot Loaded Isosceles Triangular Microstrip Antenna For Wideband Response
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-4-142097
Abstract:Variations of proximity fed isosceles triangular microstrip antennas loaded with summation slot for wideband response is presented in this paper. A detailed explanation of the antenna behavior with respect to the varying slot length and isosceles angle is provided. The insertion of slot reduces the space between TM11 and TM10 modes that enhance the BW. The effect of the slot is observed by varying the isosceles angle from 500 to 900.A maximum simulated BW of 760 MHz(52.4%) with a peak gain of about 7.5 dBi isobserved in the antenna with 650 isosceles angle.This bandwidth is larger compared to that of themost of the reported U–slot and pair of rectangularslots cut microstrip antennas. Stable gain responseover a large frequency range is obtained inisosceles triangular microstrip antenna with 900isosceles angle. Both the optimum antennas arefabricated and measured results are comparedwith the simulated. Antennas exhibited broadsideradiation patterns over the entire BW with a goodagreement in between simulated and measuredresults for different antenna characteristics. Thenovelty of the proposed antennas lies in theirstructural simplicity and achievement of widebandwidth with stable gain response.
Authors:Venkata A P Chavali, Amit A Deshmukh
Submitted On:02-04-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 43
Manuscript Title:Design of Magnetic Field Sensor Using Long Period Fiber Bragg Grating with Magnetic Fluid Filled Photonic Crystal Cladding
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-2-122080
Abstract:A novel Long period Bragg grating magnetic field sensor having Magnetic fluid (MF) infiltrated photonic crystal cladding is designed and analyzed by the use of effective index method and three layer model. Magnetic fluid filled holes in the cladding interact with the applied magnetic field and change the effective index of the cladding. The effective index of the cladding mode is modulated by effective refractive index of the cladding. When phase matching condition between the core mode and the cladding mode is achieved, the core mode couples to the cladding mode and a sharp loss peak in the transmission spectrum. The transmission spectrum of the sensor for different cladding thickness is investigated in the range of 90 Oe to 300 Oe. The results show that the proposed sensor with 25µm cladding thickness has a high sensitivity of 5699 pm/Oe. When the radius of the cladding is above 45 µm, the sensitivity reaches to 750 pm/Oe. This analysis shows that reducing the cladding thickness can improve the sensitivity of the sensor. Eventually, the results are compared with measured data. Hence the proposed sensor is expected to find potential applications in magnetic field sensing.
Authors:M. P. Srinivasa Rao, Vivek Singh, Kh S Singh
Submitted On:14-02-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 28
Manuscript Title:Effect of the Receiver’s FOV on the Performance of the Indoor VLC Systems
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-4-142104
Abstract:This work explores how the single photodetector’s (SPD’s) field of view (FOV) of visible light communication (VLC) systems can be optimized to attain a high-quality link between transmitters and the receiver while transmitting a high data rate. We utilize the cumulative distribution function (CDF) to optimize the FOV of the SPD in which the optical receiver is placed randomly over 1000 positions in the propose room. At each location, the impulse response is obtained. Empirical analyses are used to find the path loss, delay spread (????), 3-dB channel bandwidth (??(??)) and signal to noise ratio (??????) from the impulse response. We test the performance of the propose system with different values of the SPD’s FOV (FOV = 90o, FOV = 60o, FOV = 45o and FOV = 30o). In this work, we consider the influence of the diffuse reflections (up to the third order) and we take into account lighting constraints with considering on-off-keying (OOK) modulation. The results show that using SPD with FOV of 45o, allows the VLC system for working at a data rate of 1 Gb/s with SNR not less than 15 dB.
Authors:Safwan Hafeedh Younus
Submitted On:10-04-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 34
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