VOL. 16, NO. 3, MAY 2021
Reno, NV 89511, U.S.A.
MAY 2021 VOLUME 16 NUMBER 3 IJMOT ISSN: 1553-0396
Banmali S Rawat


Manuscript Title:X-Band Loop within Loop Array: A Bandwidth Enhancement Technique
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2020-8-72001
Abstract:In this paper, a series loop within loop antenna is proposed to demonstrate an efficient technique to enhance the bandwidth of a loop antenna. An X-band loop within loop array is designed to claim the applicability of the proposed technique. The simulated and measured results are in good agreement. This technique is capable to improve the loop bandwidth to 50%. Other than this, the paper also includes design steps so that this technique can be applied to design a loop within loop array for any desired applications.
Authors:Shailendra P. Shastri, Archana Deshpande, Nikhil Tiwari
Submitted On:19-08-2020
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 68
Manuscript Title:Multiband Textile Antennas for Body Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2020-10-92026
Abstract:Nowadays, the challenge is to optimize the antenna's size as well as to resonate on at least two frequencies. Moreover, if we take into account the antennas boarding constraints (the antennas can be worn and folded) in more confined spaces while maintaining their normal operation, so they must be precisely designed to work properly. For this aim, this article offers a comprehensive study of multiband antennas flexion impact on their normal operation by comparing theoretical and simulation results, the bending is done on cylindrical surfaces. We begin this study with the theoretical aspects using the cylindrical-rectangular cavity model and the equations defining the gain to study the flexing impact on the resonant frequency and gain in the main planes E and H. To confirm the theoretical results, we study the resonant frequency shift, input impedance shift, argument impedance shift, surface current distribution variation, utmost gain diagram variation, and radiation pattern variations by simulating a three-band antenna flexed at different angles. This work presents a database to understand the effects of multiband antenna bending on their electrical characteristics between 2GHz and 4.5GHz, and facilitates the antenna implementation.
Authors:Ibrahime Hassan Nejdi, Youssef Rhazi, Mustapha Ait Lafkih, Seddik Bri
Submitted On:03-10-2020
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 36
Manuscript Title:Transmitter and Receiver Array Antennas with a Small Correlation for ka-band Radar Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2020-12-112059
Abstract:The scientific value of this paper lies in creating a new EBG and how we place it between two new antennas for the purpose of filtering the surface waves in millimeter band. The filtering has been done using the Mushroom-like EBG structure filter, that achieves more than 20 dB isolation between the two antennas with a close separation between the two antennas in millimeter band (less than 0.14????). The proposed EBG structure isoptimized and validated to improve the isolation and filtering, it also reduces the correlation between TX/RX array antennas. The proposed arrays are designed on an FR-4 substrate with a dielectric constant of 4.3, loss tangent of 0.025 and with thickness of 0.465 mm. The proposed Mushroom-like EBG structure is designed with vias along the -x and -y directions. The dispersion diagram was studied at the suitable frequency to show that the wave cannot propagate within the bandgap (30 GHz) in order to achieve a high degree of isolation and suppress the surface waves. The presented results confirm the advantage of the applied technique in reducing the correlation coefficient between the two antennas to less than 0.007. The proposed performance of the arrays is tested numerically by electromagnetic Simulation using CST-MW.
Authors:Salaheddine Aourik, Ahmed Errkik, Jamal Zbitou, Mohamed Latrach
Submitted On:10-12-2020
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 48
Manuscript Title:A Stability Analysis of Miniaturized Hybrid Frequency Selective Surface
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2020-12-112060
Abstract:A novel study of angular stability of a miniaturized frequency selective surface FSS operating at 2 GHz is presented and analyzed. The proposed hybrid FSS is mainly composed of metallic periodic circle ring and rectangular patches. The array of metallic patches is composed of a coupled inductive and capacitive surfaces created between adjacent edges of two strip of ring. Furthermore, this FSS structure has large angular stability with keeping the center frequency deviation below 0.5 % under different polarizations and incident angles. The proposed hybrid FSS structure has been fabricated and tested. A good agreement between the simulated and measured results, which validates the performance stability of the FSS structure.
Authors:Moubarek Traii1 , Mohamed Lamine Sadiki, Mourad Nedil, Ali Gharsallah
Submitted On:11-12-2020
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 14
Manuscript Title:A New Design of A Printed CPW Band Notched UWB Antenna
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-1-122067
Abstract:This work comes with a novel Coplanar Waveguide Ultra Wide Band antenna configuration which is associated to two Complementary Split Ring Resonators symmetrically inserted in the ground plane. The use of the optimized CSRR resonators allowed to achieve a notched wide frequency bands. The UWB Antenna is designed and simulated by using an electromagnetic solver. After the validation of the UWB and the antenna with Notched Band into simulation, we have conducted the fabrication and the test of the achieved antenna. Measurement permits to demonstrate an agreement between simulation and measurement and to validate the technique used. The proposed antenna are suitable for applications in the frequency bands from 2.8 GHz to 3.6 GHz and from 6.5 GHz to 6.7 GHz. The final antenna is mounted on an FR4 substrate with a total area of 29.986 X 35.2736 mm2.
Authors:Bendaoued Mohammed, Rachid Mandry, Abdelali Tajmouati, Mohamed Latrach, Oulhaj Otman
Submitted On:04-01-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 39
Manuscript Title:Design and Simulation of a Technology Planar Butler Matrix for Wireless Power Transfer at 5.8GHz
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-1-122070
Abstract:In this article, to boost the efficiency of the wireless power transmission system to an MAV at 5.8 GHz, switched beam smart antenna systems are discussed. Four input ports are used for input signal connections in the 4x4 Butler matrix, and four output ports can be wired to an array of four feed patch antennas to form the beam-forming network to create and control four orthogonal beams. For the components (coupler, crossover, phase shifter) used to implement the matrix, with microstrip technology using ADS momentum software, concept specifics and simulation results are also provided.
Authors:Salah Ihlou, Hafid Tizyi, Ahmed El Abbassi
Submitted On:30-01-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 22
Manuscript Title:Wideband and Electronically Tunable Microwave Phase Shifter Using Varactors with Relative Phase Shifts up to 360°
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-2-122074
Abstract:This letter presents a Wideband Reflection-Type Tunable Phase Shifter (WRTTPS) for smart front-ends applications. The proposed WRTTPS is based on a short-circuited 3-dB/90° Branch-Line Coupler (BLC), whose characteristics can be electronically tuned using Variable Capacitance Diodes (VCDs) at the reflecting load. The combination of a transmission line in series with two parallel varactors enhances the phase shifter performance, and by adding two-crossed microstrip transmission lines to the conventional BLC the bandwidth improves from 17 to 43.34 %. We experimentally implemented the phase shifter and demonstrated that it produces a wide tunable phase range and full transmission within the experimental uncertainty. The present topology has a fractional bandwidth of around 43.34 % which is greater than 1 GHz at the central frequency 2.63 GHz and provides a relative phase shifting up to 360°. A good agreement has been shown between simulated and measured results.
Authors:Aicha Bembarka, Abdelwahed Tribak, Hamza Nachouane, Larbi Setti, Angel Mediavilla
Submitted On:02-02-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 71
Manuscript Title:Advanced Design for SPDT Travelling Wave Switches
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-2-122077
Abstract:A broadband operation using travelling-wave concept is applied to a new design for the single-pole double-throw microwave switches. The proposed design is formed using p-filtering networks instead of T-networks, and replaces the classical image parameter filtering design method by the maximally flat Butterworth design method. This is the first time to use such topology in the structure of the travelling-wave switches. It provides optimal design of microwave switches in the considerations of low insertion loss, high isolation, wideband operation, linear response, and small layout size. The resultant switch is very suitable for monolithic microwave integrated circuits in the next generation of wireless and mobile communications.
Authors:Azad Raheem Kareem
Submitted On:07-02-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 55
Manuscript Title:Series Fed Designs of Planar Half Circular and Hexagonal Microstrip Antenna Arrays for Reduced First Side Lobe Level Radiation
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-2-122083
Abstract:In this paper, the variants of linear and planar series fed tapered width half circular and hexagonal microstrip antenna arrays are proposed. Binomial distribution is selected to feed individual element in the array to reduce first side lobe level. In this paper, starting with single element, various linear and planar configurations like 7 x 1, 5 x 3, 5 x 5 for every case are designed around the resonance frequency of 3000 MHz using Arlon substrate. For 7 x 1 array using half circular patches, first side lobe level of -27 dB with a broadside gain of 12 dBi is obtained, whereas that using half hexagonal patches, same is -27.2 dB and 13 dBi respectively. Further designs of 5 x 3 and 5 x 5 planar arrays of half circular and hexagonal patches with half wavelength and wavelength spacing are presented. Amongst all these designs, an optimum response is obtained in the 5 x 5 array design for the wavelength spacing in between the array elements. Here, first side lobe level observed in the E and H-planes using half circular patches is -21 and -19 dB respectively, with a peak gain of 16.7 dBi. For 5 x 5 half hexagonal patches array, first side lobe level obtained in E and H-planes is -23 and -21 dB, with a peak broadsidegain of nearly 18 dBi. Proposed series fed designsemploys binomial aperture distributions whichprovides higher tapering compared to otheramplitude distribution functions results intoreduced first side lobe level with gain of more than14 dBi.
Authors:Sanjay Deshmukh, Amit A Deshmukh
Submitted On:20-02-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 40
Manuscript Title:Design and Fabrication of Millimeter Wave Microstrip Antenna for NGN Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-3-122088
Abstract:The proposed miniaturized antenna is an array of 2 x 2 mm2 microstrip antennas covering 39.6 GHz for Millimeter-wave NGN applications. A 50-? microstrip feeding is used and simulated on HFSSV13. This antenna is design with Roger RT/Duroid 5880 substrate with permittivity of 2.2 and lossy tangent 0.0009 to resonate at desired band (37.30 GHz–41.45 GHz) with bandwidth of 10%. This antenna achieves high gain of 9.4 dB with bandwidth of 4.15 GHz for 10-dB return loss. The complete dimension of the designed and fabricated antenna is only 12.5 × 6 × 0.508 mm3. Performance of the fabricated antenna is validated experimentally.
Authors:Dhananjay Singh, Surya Deo Choudhary, B. Mohapatra
Submitted On:16-03-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 60
Manuscript Title:Space-time Coded OFDM Scheme for Mitigating the Effect of Turbulence in Free Space Optical Communication Systems
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2020-11-102051
Abstract:Free space optical (FSO) communication has recently become a wireless communication technology of interest as a result of its enormous potential bandwidth and high data rates. However, turbulence induced fading - a major performance degrading factor, remains an ongoing challenge for this technology. This work therefore attempts to combat this by deploying space-time trellis code (STTC) and super-orthogonal space-time trellis code (SOSTTC) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for free space optical communication links. The observed results indicate that this approach is viable in the quest for attaining efficiency in FSO systems.
Authors:Ojo Adedayo, Ilesanmi Oluwafemi, Owolabi Esan
Submitted On:17-11-2020
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 19
Manuscript Title:60 GHz RF Signals Generation Across a Wide Range of Frequency Multiplication Factors Based on Optical Injection Locking
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2021-1-122069
Abstract:In this article we have shown the flexibility of millimeter signals (in general and 60 GHz signals in particular) generation technique based on optical injection locking method compared to other techniques reported in literature. This technique consists of two slave lasers correlated and controlled by a master laser and uses low RF frequency sources at central station. It also neglects phase noise and chromatic dispersion; so it's a good candidate for radio over fiber (RoF) networks deployment for serving base stations in rural areas.
Authors:Saïdou Conombo, Mamadou D. Diouf, Samuel Ouya, Ahmed D. Kora
Submitted On:28-01-2021
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 20
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