VOL. 13, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2018
Reno, NV 89511, U.S.A.
Banmali S Rawat


Manuscript Title:3D FDTD Design and Comparison Performance of Power Dividers/Combiners in Different Configurations
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-2-1502
Abstract:This paper presents a technique to dividing and combining power in microwave circuits with an improvement of the structure and the electromagnetic characteristics. Different configurations of structures have been simulated with finite difference time domain method FDTD. We have used a microstrip circuits to design and modélize multiway power divider. First we design a two-way power divider/Combiners in two different configurations, then we implement an algorithm to extend the structure to modélize a four-way power dividers with different configurations. These circuits are reciprocal devices, they can also be used like power combiners to combine the power when used in reverse. It is shown that the proposed power dividers with different configurations has good performances in terms of return loss, insertion loss and amplitudes, the return loss reveals better than –34 dB at 16 GHz for the 2-way divider, and –40 dB for the 4- way Power Divider at 12.5 GHz with a minimum insertion loss. The proposed power Dividers/Combiners has potential application in microwave system, that are well suited for wide band communication systems.
Authors:Mustapha Bouayad, Lotfi Merad
Submitted On:18/2/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 101
Manuscript Title:Investigation on Radiation Characteristics of µ- Negative Material Array Loaded Planar Resonator
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-3-1513
Abstract:In this article, a radiation characteristic of µ-negative material loaded planar microstrip resonator is examined. This antenna resonates at 3.5 GHz and 5.8 GHz frequencies with return loss of 38.12 dB and 15.83dB respectively. The substrate dimension of proposed resonator is 0.505? x 0.6? at lower frequency and 0.84? x 1.0? at higher frequency. An engineered partial ground plane is utilized to improve impedance bandwidth of the resonator. The design incorporates homogenous square shaped Split Ring Resonator (SRR) array, which possesses µ-negative characteristics, are loaded on the back side of planar resonator. Enhancement of gain at antenna bore sight and radiation efficiency of antenna is achieved using Split Ring Resonators. A cost effective FR-4 substrate has been selected for design. The resonator prototype has been fabricated and measured results are presented. Measured results have good agreement with simulated results. The proposed design presents optimized dimensions for target resonance frequencies for fair value of bandwidth and gain compared to other antennas proposed in literature.
Authors:Upesh Patel, Trushit Upadhyaya
Submitted On:14/3/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 38
Manuscript Title:A Dual Band Patch Antenna for Bluetooth and Wireless Local Area Networks Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-4-1537
Abstract:In this article, the design and development of a novel rectangular patch antenna for dual band applications that operates at 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz is presented. The dual band antenna consists of a rectangular patch which is fed by the coaxial probe feeding technique. The ground plane is loaded with two rectangular strip slots and one elliptical slot to drive the antenna into dual mode and to enhance its bandwidth. The proposed antenna is designed and simulated using CST microwave studio software. The antenna with optimized dimensions is fabricated and measured. The various antenna parameters such as the return loss, gain, directivity, E-plane and H-plane radiation patterns etc are presented and discussed. The return loss plot of the dual band antenna both in simulation and in measurement conforms the dual band characteristics. The size of the proposed dual band antenna is compact and suitable for compact wireless devices. The antenna is low cost and provides high gain and high directivity. The maximum gain and maximum directivity of the proposed antenna are 7.398 dB and 7.923 dBi, respectively. The proposed antenna is designed using transmission line model and is suitable for use in the Bluetooth and wireless local area networks (WLANs) applications.
Authors:M. Mabaso, P. Kumar
Submitted On:10/4/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 99
Manuscript Title:Design and Analysis of Periodic Split Ring Resonator Array Inspired Defected Ground Plane Antenna
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-4-1549
Abstract:In this paper, a radiation characteristic of µ-negative material inspired defected ground plane microstrip antenna is examined. Defected ground plane structure (DGS) is the prominent technique to improve bandwidth and gain of the antenna whereas negative refractive index materials have shown extraordinary electromagnetic properties. The overall size of proposed antenna is kept fixed, while homogenous array of split ring resonators are implemented as defected ground structures. The antenna size is 51mm x 43mm which makes it electrically compact being operated in IEEE S-band. Standard low loss FR-4 laminates of 1.6 mm thickness were used for the design. The antenna resonates at multiple frequencies in IEEE S-band and it can be utilized for specific wireless applications, however, key important focus of the paper is to analyze the antenna radiation properties for varied periodic defects in ground plane. The resonance modes, impedance bandwidth and gain are presented in the paper. Antennas were fabricated to verify the simulated results which show good agreement with measured results.
Authors:Upesh Patel, Trushit Upadhyaya
Submitted On:19/4/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 52
Manuscript Title:A Novel Coplanar Waveguide Antenna with a Circular Sierpinski Radiating Patch for UWB Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-4-1554
Abstract:This paper presents an achieved coplanar waveguide (CPW) antenna by using two electromagnetic solvers which are CST of Microwave Studio and ADS of Agilent. The radiating patch of the proposed structure has been chosen circular with a fractal geometry obtained by etching the radiator three times by triangle shapes with different sizes. The feed line with the ground planes are in the top side of the substrate and the printed antenna has been designed to be matched at 50_ in term of input impedance. The overall dimensions of the proposed antenna is 34 x 43 mm2, the substrate is an Epoxy FR4 with a relative dielectric permittivity of 4.4, loss tangent of 0.025, a thickness of 1.6mm and a metallic thickness of 35µm. The CPW antenna has been manufactured by using the photolithographic method in order to perform the measurement of the coefficient of reflection with the Vector Network Analyzer and the Radiation Pattern in the Anechoic chamber.
Authors:Akram El Hamdouni, Abdelali Tajmouati, Jamal Zbitou, Ahmed Errkik, Mohamed Latrach,\r\nLarbi Abdellaoui
Submitted On:22/4/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 58
Manuscript Title:A Reconfigurable Compact Size Fractal Antenna for UWB RF Energy Harvesting
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-4-1557
Abstract:A unique fractal printed patch antenna with defected EBG structured ground is presented for UWB reconfigurable applications. The antenna structure is modeled with influencing properties of fractal structure in association with dominating modes of ground deformities. This association is being observed for electromagnetic band gap patterns. This enables antenna to resonate in to the more eigen mode of excitations. In primary concern, designed structure has a very small dimension 18x21x1.6 mm3 and it is printed on commercially available FR4 substrate with dielectric constant 4.4 and thickness 1.6 mm. The designed structure is found resonating in wide range of frequency from 2.0 to 9.67 GHz. for suitable application of wireless Bluetooth communication (2.4 GHz), Wi-MAX (3.5/5.5 GHz), WLAN (5.2/5.8 GHz) and ISM (5.725/5.82 GHz). The antenna geometry is modeled and simulated on High Frequency Structure Simulator; the simulation results provide sustainable outcomes for the design validation of proposed structure. This paper gives prodigious explanation to the basic modeling and fabrication of the proposed structure. The return loss, VSWR parameters and radiation patterns are measured to make antenna feasible for reconfiguration over UWB applications. This helps antenna for an additional prominent feature of RF energy harvesting.
Authors:Pankaj Kumar Goswami, Garima Goswami, Sudhir Kr. Sharma
Submitted On:24/4/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 67
Manuscript Title:An Accurate UWB Technique for Breast Cancer Detection using Microwave Specific Absorption Rate
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-5-1573
Abstract:A microwave technology is the most safety and accuracy method for breast cancer detection in the early stages. This paper proposes a novel method for detecting and locating a tumour by measuring the energy absorbed in normal tissue and malignant tissue. This method is based on the conception of an UWB biomedical system, especially an UWB microstrip antenna, which plays an important part in determining the system performances. In this contribution we proved the feasibility of detecting small breast tumours using SAR technique with high precision and efficiency.
Authors:Nirmine Hammouch, Hassan Ammor
Submitted On:21/5/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 70
Manuscript Title:Optimization of Safe Free-Space Optical Link
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-4-1556
Abstract:This paper describes an optimization of a safe laser free-space optical link. Safe link is a link with zero nominal ocular hazard distance. This requirement can be met only if the transmitted power of the optical signal is at its maximum permissible value, which is defined by the maximum permissible exposure and by the diameter of the transmitter output aperture. This rule also applies to reaching maximum link range, maximum link margin, or maximum beam angular deflection limit. Then, the safe transmitted optical power, the link margin, and the beam angular deflection limit represent limiting factors of the optimization. Two optimization tasks were analyzed. First task searched for a maximum link range; the link range equation represented the objective function. In the second task, the link resistance to the atmospheric attenuation and spatial fluctuations of the optical beam were maximized for the given link. Either the link margin or the beam angular deflection limit were used as the objective functions. In all cases, the aim of the optimization process was to find the optimal laser beam divergence. It was a divergence when the appropriate objective function reached the maximum for given parameters of the link and atmosphere. The single input single output link was considered.
Authors:Jirí Nemecek, Martin Polášek
Submitted On:24/4/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 33
Manuscript Title:Design and Evaluation of 3.9 Tb/s (39 ch.x100 Gb/s) Hybrid Transmission Multi-carrier WDM Optical System
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-4-1560
Abstract:Multilevel phase and amplitude modulation formats co-exist to enable a new generation of high speed optical transport platform. We demonstrate 39 x 100 Gbps (3.9 Tb/s) hybrid transmission WDM optical system employing multicarrier generation concept. 20 sub-carriers employ Polarization division multiplexed quadrature phase shift keying (PDM-QPSK) modulation format and 19 sub-carriers use Polarization division multiplexed 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (PDM 16-QAM) out of 39 sub-carriers. Each sub-carrier transmits at a transmission rate of 100 Gbps with frequency spacing of 25 GHz between sub-carriers to achieve spectral efficiency of 4 b/s/Hz. The analysis is carried out for 39 x 100 Gb/s (3.9 Tb/s) hybrid WDM optical system with ultra large area fiber (ULAF) and large effective area fiber (LEAF) at transmission reach from 600 km to 4000 km. Systems are verified with parameters like Q-factor, estimated symbol error and error vector magnitude (EVM). Analytical and simulation results are presented. Results show that hybrid WDM optical system with ULAF fiber outperforms than LEAF fiber at long transmission reach.
Authors:Rohit B. Patel, Dilip Kumar Kothari
Submitted On:26/4/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 39
Manuscript Title:Numerical Analysis of MoS2 on the LSPR in Periodical Nanostructure of Ag Arrays/Graphene for Sensitive Sensors
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-5-1562
Abstract:This paper describes the effect of adding MoS2 layers to surface plasmon resonance biosensors based on the hybrid structure of Ag nanoparticles and graphene using a spectacular interrogation mode. The proposed sensors are designed from MoS2 material as biomolecular recognition elements. The Ag is the ideal metal for plasmon thanks to its low optical frequency loss. The results show that using a 14.30 nm MoS2 layer leads to an increase of the plasmon resonance of more than 500 nm at 1066.67 nm due to localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in the grooves that amplifies the interaction of light and MoS2. We have studied the performance of the proposed biosensors in terms of sensitivity using multilayers of MoS2. We have obtained very high sensitivity with an increase of 49.37%. This characteristic should make the proposed biosensors a preferred choice for biosensors applications, compared to other contemporary biosensors.
Authors:Mohamed El Barghouti, Abdellatif Akjouj, Abdellah Mir
Submitted On:2/4/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 47
Manuscript Title:OR, XNOR, and NAND Optical Logic Gates in Mach-Zehnder Waveguiding Structure Consisting of Nonlinear Material
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-6-1591
Abstract:OR, XNOR, and NAND optical logic gates in Mach-Zehnder waveguiding structure consisting of nonlinear material had been analyzed by means of Finite Difference Beam Propagation Method (FD-BPM). Nonlinear material is assumed to be a Kerr-like material which has a refractive index changes depending on the intensity of the local electric field from the input beam power. Here we use Organosol SnO2 as film of waveguide. The Cladding is composed of linear material which has a little different with the film refractive index such as Flint Glass. The proposed waveguide is included by three input beams. Port 1 and 3 contribute as control signal which stable input power of 1 W/m and center input as input signal has varied power input value between 0 to 20 W/m. Output signal has measured just in port 5 (center output port). By investigation of the output power, the proposed structure of waveguide can generate optical logic for OR, XNOR and NAND operation. This paper represents that multi-functional devices such as OR, XNOR and NAND operation would also be possible in a single optical waveguide.
Authors:Muhimmatul Khoiro, Melania Suweni Muntini, Yono Hadi Pramono
Submitted On:7/6/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 42
Manuscript Title:Design of a Triple Slot Circular Patch Antenna for Nano Optics
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2018-8-1645
Abstract:In this paper, a circular patch Nano-antenna has been investigated in the Infrared radiation (IR) region. While antennas are widespread in the microwave and radio wave region but they are basically unexplored at the optical frequencies. This circular patch Nano-antenna with triple slots can be useful for the Nano-optics applications. A wide bandwidth and compactness are the basic requirements of a Nano-antenna. This antenna gives a huge bandwidth above 1 terahertz and size is very small. Not only that, it also provides stable gain, high directivity and suitable radiation pattern. Because of nanoscale need to interface with optical radiation it is likely that optical antenna will have a broad impact on future Nano-optical technology.
Authors:Atik Mahabub, Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Hosne Ara Runa
Submitted On:20/8/2018
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 95
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