VOL. 12, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2017
Reno, NV 89511, U.S.A.
Banmali S Rawat


Manuscript Title:Application of the New Formulation of the MoM-GEC Method Based on Wave Concept for Study of Electromagnetic Diffraction: Shielding Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-3-1278
Abstract:Shielding is an attractive field of application to protect electronic installation against electromagnetic couplings. It is based on various types of components and structures that become more and more complex. That is why recent researches are interested usually in enhancing simulation tools and developing new techniques to predict the electromagnetic properties of these devices. The MoM-GEC is one of the interesting methods well adapted to investigate planar structures since it provides a considerable gain in requirements (storage and CPU times). However, when the studied structure becomes more complex, MoM-GEC is limited. This paper proposes the concept of wave as excitation source to replace modal sources used previously in MoM-GEC. This permits to reduce the requirements needed by the considered method to achieve convergence and enhance the conditioning of moment matrix. An example of Shielding problem is considered to show the efficiency of the new concept. The different obtained results are presented and discussed in the paper. Moreover, there is a good agreement with other methods.
Authors:Ahmed Nouainia, Mohamed Hajji, Taoufik Aguili
Submitted On:21/3/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 79
Manuscript Title:Orthogonal and Biorthogonal Compactly Supported Wavelets in Modeling the Circular Loop Antenna
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-3-1282
Abstract:Several families of wavelets bases are constructed with various properties. The purpose of this paper is to highlight some of the unique properties of wavelets. These wavelets can be classified in two categories: orthogonal analysis (Daubechies, Symlets), and biorthogonal analysis (Biorthogonal spline, Reverse biorthogonal spline). A biorthogonal and orthogonal wavelet-based method of moments are used in analyzing electromagnetic scattering from a circular loop antenna. The current distribution, computational time, percentage sparsity achieved in the impedance matrix and the radiation pattern of a circular loop antenna is presented using two types of wavelets. An interesting result is obtained; the biorthogonal spline wavelet has the best approximation properties among all known wavelets of a given order.
Authors:Mohamed Bayjja, Abdelmounaim K. Belbachir, Mohamed Boussouis, Naima Amar Touhami
Submitted On:24/3/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 61
Manuscript Title:Design of Microstrip Diplexer Using Triangular Loop Resonators
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-3-1283
Abstract:In this paper, a new structure of microstrip diplexer is proposed for Digital Communication System (DCS) band at 1.8 GHz and for ISM Band at 2.45 GHz. The new topology of the band-pass filter consists of two triangular open loop resonators coupled together with a coupling patch and two Input/output feed lines.\r\nSeveral parametric studies were achieved to study the influence of some critical parameters (such as the length and width of the coupling patch and the substrate characteristics) on the frequency response of the proposed filter and diplexer. In this work Electromagnetic simulation with high meshing density and circuit modeling are achieved using the ADS Agilent and CST-MWS solvers. The simulated results of the microstrip diplexer with the two simulators are in good agreement. The proposed circuit presents an insertion loss of 1.6 dB and return loss better than 30 dB for all channels with an isolation between the two filters better than 20 dB.
Authors:Abdessamed Chinig, Issam Zahraoui
Submitted On:25/3/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 95
Manuscript Title:WiMAX and X-Band Satellite Communication Services Rejection of Printed Planar Monopole UWB Antenna
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-4-1286
Abstract:A design method of compact planar monopole Ultra Wideband (UWB) antenna featuring dual band rejection performance is proposed. The designed antenna configuration consists of U-slots on the radiation patch for dual band rejection function. It is fed by microstrip line and built on an FR4 substrate with 30 x 28 mm2 surface area. The measured results reveal that the fabricated antenna exhibits an impedance bandwidth from 2.96–11 GHz for a VSWR ? 2 with two rejection bands at 3.36–3.9 GHz for WiMAX and 7.2–8.7GHz for X-band satellite communication services. Band rejection function is confirmed by the gain reduction occurring at 3.69GHz and 8GHz. Surface current distribution is also examined to validate the band rejection functionality of the proposed antenna. The measured group delay performance shows good pulse handling capability of the designed antenna.
Authors:Neelaveni Ammal. M, Ramachandran. B, Hanumantha Rao. P
Submitted On:2/4/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 105
Manuscript Title:A New Design of a Miniature Microstrip Patch Antenna Integrating Defected Ground Structure
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-4-1292
Abstract:In this work, a novel etched shape is proposed as a defected ground structure (DGS), in the aim to miniaturize a microstrip antenna which resonates initially at 10 GHz. The final designed antenna is validated at 3.5 GHz with a miniaturization of 92%. The antenna is designed, optimized, and miniaturized by using the CST MW-studio and mounted on anFR4 substrate having a dielectric constant of 4.4, thickness of 1.6 mm and its size is 27 X 30 mm2. The proposed antenna with DGS has been fabricated and tested. The good agreement between simulated and measured results permits to validate the microstrip antenna structure.
Authors:R.Er-rebyiy, J.Zbitou, M. Latrach, A. Errkik, A. Tajmouati, L. EL Abdellaoui
Submitted On:14/4/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 315
Manuscript Title:A Novel Design Of A Microstrip Series Feedback Microwave Oscillator
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-4-1303
Abstract:This paper presents a new design of a series feedback microwave oscillator with low phase noise, maximum output power, low DC power consumption and stable output frequency. In spite of the complexity of integration lumped element, we have chosen the HMIC technology’s (Hybrid Microwave Integrated Circuit) because it offers a lot of advantages in terms of size, cost, productivity and Q factor. This microstrip oscillator is designed at 2.35 GHz frequency for mobile communication applications, The final circuit is designed by using microstrip distributed resonator. The distributed resonator can be modeled by using the parallel RLC at the resonant frequency. The high Q factor of the resonator provides high carrier output power and low phase noise. The output power is obtained around 3.55 dBm at 2.35 GHz with 5V DC Bias and 10 mA current consumption. For the proposed oscillator, each step has been analyzed by using ADS “Advanced Design System” and following a theoretical study which permits to optimize the different performances of the whole circuit. [1-3]
Authors:A.Malki, L. El Abdellaoui,J.Zbitou, A.Errkik, A.tajmouati,M. Latrach
Submitted On:24/4/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 76
Manuscript Title:A New Compact Microstrip Band-stop Filter by Using Square Split Ring Resonator
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-5-1314
Abstract:In this work, a novel design of a microstrip band-stop filter based on square split ring resonators (SRRs), is proposed, simulated and mounted on an FR4 Substrate. The design steps are divided into two parts, the first one consists to design a low pass filter characterized by a cutoff frequency of 3.5 GHz. In the second part, the square split ring resonators (SRRs) are used to pass from a low pass filter to a band-stop filter. The BSF is produced by an array of miniaturized loaded SRRs close to a microstrip line. The whole area of the proposed filter is 25x31mm². The optimized filter is designed and optimized by using two electromagnetic solvers. The Simulation results were compared to measurement and good agreement was obtained between numerical and experimental results.
Authors:Badr Nasiri, Ahmed. Errkik, Jamal Zbitou, Abdelali Tajmouati, Larbi El Abdellaoui, Mohamed Latrach
Submitted On:6/5/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 103
Manuscript Title:Enhanced Experimental Investigation of Threshold Determination for Efficient Channel Detection in 2.4 GHz WLAN Cognitive Radio Networks
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-6-1329
Abstract:This paper presents an experimental investigation of threshold determination for efficient channel detection in wireless LAN (WLAN) based cognitive radio (CR) networks. The spectrum saturation problem is a critical issue in wireless communication systems worldwide due to on growing user demands day by day with many new applications to the limited frequency spectrum. Hence, present demand is an efficient and intelligent spectrum management and allocation system. In this paper, we proposed an adaptive threshold determination technique based on free space path loss (FSPL) model to detect the presence or absence of PUs. The model is designed especially for Android based smartphones and tablets. The smartphones act as secondary users (SUs) and existing 2.4 GHz WLAN channels as PUs. The network is prepared in a usual noisy lab/outdoor environment and tested for the robustness of the proposed model. Results show the desired range of usable threshold and the channel detection performance depends on the noise floor level of the surrounding environment.
Authors:Mohammad Nayeem Morshed, Sabira Khatun, Latifah Munirah Kamarudin, Syed Alwee Aljunid, R. Badlishah Ahmad, Ammar Zakaria, Md. Moslemuddin Fakir
Submitted On:6/6/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 29
Manuscript Title:Performance Enhancement of Inset-fed Microstrip Patch Antenna by Dielectric Ellipsoidal Lens Loading
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-6-1344
Abstract:In the Proposed research work, an attempt has been done to explore the possibility for performance enhancement of the classical microstrip patch antenna loaded by ellipsoidal dielectric lens. In order to accomplish that, aninset-fed microstrip patch antenna was chosen working with frequency band 4- 8 GHz (C band). Ellipsoidal dielectric lens was fabricated using Teflon rod through the CNC machine in the laboratory, whereas microstrip patch antenna was fabricated on easily available epoxy glass (FR 4) substrate. Microstrip patch antenna loaded dielectric lens is able to boost the performance in terms of radiation pattern, S-parameter (reflection coefficient), and input impedance etc. This has been validated with the simulation as well as experimental results.
Authors:Satish K. Jain, Chandresh Dhote, Jaya Chakrawarty
Submitted On:19/6/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 33
Manuscript Title:Design, Realization and Measurements of Compact CPW-Fed Microstrip Octagonal Patch Antenna with H Slot for WLAN and WIMAX Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-8-1368
Abstract:In this paper, a CPW-Fed microstrip octagonal patch antenna for WLAN and WIMAX Applications is proposed. The studied structure is suitable for 2.3/2.5/3.3/3.5/5/5.5GHz WIMAX and for 3.6/2.4-2.5/4.9-5.9GHz WLAN applications. The octagonal shape is obtained by cutting a small triangular part in the four angles of the rectangular microstrip patch antenna; in addition the using of CPW-Fed allows obtaining UWB characteristics. The miniaturization in the antenna size for lower band is achieved by introducing an H slot structure in the radiating element. The proposed antenna is designed on a single and a small substrate board of dimensions 46×40×1.6 mm3. Moreover the miniaturized antenna has a good impedance matching and a reasonable gain. All the simulations were performed by CADFEKO, a Method of Moment (MoM) based solver. The measurements were performed with ANRITSU MS2026C Vectorial Network Analyzer.
Authors:Mohamed TARBOUCH, Abdelkebir EL AMRI, Hanae TERCHOUNE
Submitted On:2/8/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 68
Manuscript Title:Open-loop Dipole Microstrip Antenna with U-shape Insertion for 2.45 GHz Wireless Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-8-1376
Abstract:In this article, two structures of open-loop dipole microstrip antenna for 2.45 GHz wireless applications were investigated through numerical simulation and experiment. The characteristic impedance of the open-loop was 430 ???Both microstrip antennas substrate use FR-4 with1.6 mm thickness and 4.3 of relative permittivity. The whole dimensions were 85 mm x 95 mm x 1.6 mm. The differences between the two microstrip antenna structures were indicated by using Ushape inside the loop and without using U-shape. The U-shape inserted into the open-loop microstrip could improve the gain. Both results of the simulation and the measurement showed that the gain was increased from (3.6-3.7) dB to (4.3-5.5) dB at frequency 2.45 GHz with the return loss around -20 dB.
Authors:Mutmainnah, Y.H Pramono
Submitted On:9/8/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 85
Manuscript Title:Fano Resonance Based on 3x3 Multimode Interference Structures for Fast and Slow Light Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2017-4-1294
Abstract:We present for the first time a new method for creating Fano resonance by using only one 3x3 multimode interference (MMI) coupler with a feedback waveguide. We use the silicon waveguide for the whole design, so it is compatible with CMOS technology. The device is compact and has a large tolerance fabrication. In addition, many useful optical functions such as all-optical switches, filters and single-mode lasers can be realized using Fano-type transmission device. The transfer matrix method (TMM) and beam propagation method (BPM) are used to optimally design the structure. We show that by using the proposed structure, fast and slow light can be obtained.
Authors:Trung-Thanh Le
Submitted On:15/4/2017
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 47
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