Manuscript Title: | Equivalent Circuit Model of Double Split Ring Resonators |
Manuscript Id: | IJMOT-2015-5-736 |
Abstract: | Based on an equivalent circuit, this paper presents a new approach for electric modeling of split ring resonators. All elements of the equivalent circuit are determined from geometric parameters in order to form the three-dimensional model of this type of resonators. In the first part, an analytical study is proposed to determine different components of the equivalent circuit values. For validation of the proposed approach, we simulate the obtained model by the ADS software. The obtained simulation results from ADS software are validated by HFSS software which is based on the modeling of three-dimensional structures or the microstrip structures. In the second part, we present the effects of variations of various parameters such as the relative permittivity of the dielectric substrate and the geometric parameters forming the SRR in its three-dimensional structure as a function of frequency. |
Authors: | Seif Naoui, Lassaad Latrach, Ali Gharsallah |
Submitted On: | 19/5/2015 |
Pages: | 1-6 |
Action: | [Full Paper]
No. of Downloads: 239 |
Manuscript Title: | Design of Substrate Integrated Waveguide Band Pass Filter Based on CSRR-EBG |
Manuscript Id: | IJMOT-2015-6-762 |
Abstract: | In this paper, two wideband band-pass filters are presented and obtained by using two integration techniques of the substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) with the complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) and the electromagnetic band gap (EBG) periodic structures, respectively. The first filter is designed by five-cell SIW-CSRR and the second is based on five-cell SIW-EBG. The five-cell SIW-CSRR filter has insertion losses of 0.3 dB at the midband frequency of 9.39 GHz with a fractional bandwidth of 54.31%. The five-cell SIW-EBG filter operates at 9.495 GHz with a bandwidth of 47.7% and insertion loss of 0.25 dB. The proposed filters have excellent performance in insertion loss and return loss, due to the use of Neltec NY9208 (IM). |
Authors: | Ahmed Rhbanou, Seddik Bri, Mohamed Sabbane |
Submitted On: | 24/6/2015 |
Pages: | 7-14 |
Action: | [Full Paper]
No. of Downloads: 140 |
Manuscript Title: | New Compact UWB Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna with Wide Bandwidth for Medical Microwave Imaging |
Manuscript Id: | IJMOT-2015-7-770 |
Abstract: | In this paper; we propose a new compact ultra wide band antipodal vivaldi antenna configuration for medical microwave imaging. The proposed antenna is arranged on a dielectric substrate (dielectric permittivity er = 3.38, thickness h = 1.524 mm) with metallization on both sides with a tapered elliptic curvature. The designed antipodal vivaldi antenna provides a wide usable fractional bandwidth of more than 157.46% (3.57 – 30 GHz) and a small size of 26 × 27 mm2. A superstrate layer is added in the environment of the antenna to increase the performance in terms of gain, and directivity. In order to show the performance of this type of antenna a pulse study is introduced. |
Authors: | Sarra Taleb, Lotfi Merad, Sidi Mohammed Meriah |
Submitted On: | 7/7/2015 |
Pages: | 15-22 |
Action: | [Full Paper]
No. of Downloads: 233 |
Manuscript Title: | On the Electromagnetic Characterization and Design of quasi-TEM Rectangular Coax Couplers with Square Inner Conductors |
Manuscript Id: | IJMOT-2015-7-772 |
Abstract: | In this paper, we propose to characterize the electromagnetic (EM) parameters of quasi- Transverse Electromagnetic (quasi-TEM) rectangular coax coupler, with square inner conductors partially filled with dielectric, according to its geometrical and physical parameters. For this type of quasi-TEM coupler, convenient for high power applications, there are no numerical or experimental results readily available in the scientific literature. The problem as we will show later, is to solve for the two modes (odd and even) the Laplace equation of inhomogeneous cases with fixed boundary conditions. The calculation is made using the finite element method (FEM) under freeFEM environment and is based on a numerical solution of the fact that the analytical solution is difficult\r\nbecause of the relative complexity of the inhomogeneous configuration. Comparisons between the FEM-results and those we obtained under LINPAR environment using our program based on the method of moments (MoM) show a good agreement between the results. Our obtained EM- characterization curves are necessary for quasi-TEM coupler design and take into account the influence of all the geometrical parameters of the coupler on its EM-parameters. As an application we show our design results, obtained under freeFEM environment, which are validated using MATPAR software. The obtained results of a quasi-TEM rectangular coax coupler using square inner conductors, having 20 dB of coupling and operating at 2 GHz show excellent performance in\r\nterms of directivity (50 dB) and size (3.96×7.06×21 mm3). |
Authors: | Djamal Lachachi, Nadia Benabdallah, Nasreddine Benahmed, Soumia Larbia, Hadjer Haddouche |
Submitted On: | 7/7/2015 |
Pages: | 23-31 |
Action: | [Full Paper]
No. of Downloads: 85 |
Manuscript Title: | A Miniature Microstrip Patch Antenna Array with Defected Ground Structure |
Manuscript Id: | IJMOT-2015-7-773 |
Abstract: | The aim of this work is to miniaturize a microstrip patch antenna array resonating at 10 GHz. It presents an improved method of size reduction of a microstrip antenna array with circular polarisation using Defected Ground Structure (DGS) which is used to perform serious LC resonance property in certain frequency. By integrating Defected Ground Structure elements, the resonance frequency was shifted from 10 GHz to 7.5 GHz. The proposed structure of DGS is incorporated in the ground plane of our array antenna. Prototype of the antenna was fabricated with FR4 substrate and tested. The simulation and measurement results were in good agreement. |
Authors: | Otman Oulhaj, Naima A. Touhami, Mohamed Aghoutane, Antonio Tazon |
Submitted On: | 7/7/2015 |
Pages: | 32-39 |
Action: | [Full Paper]
No. of Downloads: 160 |
Manuscript Title: | Reducing Side Lobes of Antenna Array by The Binomial Method |
Manuscript Id: | IJMOT-2015-8-792 |
Abstract: | This paper explores optimization and synthesis of linear, which prints antennas arrays. The developed synthesis bases on an optimization binomial method. The objective of this paper is to adapt the binomial method to reduce the side lobe level. The application of this formalism gives terrific results. |
Authors: | H. Aziz, M. Moubadir, N. Amar Touhami, A. Farkhsi, A. Tazon |
Submitted On: | 3/8/2015 |
Pages: | 40-44 |
Action: | [Full Paper]
No. of Downloads: 72 |
Manuscript Title: | Two-Port Antenna for Cognitive Radio Front-Ends |
Manuscript Id: | IJMOT-2015-8-808 |
Abstract: | An antenna system that incorporates two antennas for cognitive radio systems is presented. Each antenna ensures one of the sensing and communication functions of cognitive radios. The antenna responsible for sensing task is composed of a circular disc monopole antenna, whereas the communication antenna consists of a multi-band inverted-F antenna. Because of space and manufacturing cost constraints, both antennas are designed on the same side of a FR4 substrate, and, thus, the isolation must be taken into account. In order to effectively decouple both antennas, the coplanar waveguide technology is employed. The measured isolation between both antennas is greater than 15dB throughout the operation bandwidth. To verify the feasibility of the proposed system, the performance of the proposed antenna system was simulated using two EM simulation softwares, and validated with measurements on a fabricated prototype. The simulation and measurement results are presented and good agreement was achieved. |
Authors: | Hamza Nachouane, Abdellah Najid, Fatima Riouch, Abdelwahed Tribak |
Submitted On: | 22/8/2015 |
Pages: | 45-52 |
Action: | [Full Paper]
No. of Downloads: 66 |
Manuscript Title: | A Novel Configuration of a Miniature Microstrip Low Pass Filter |
Manuscript Id: | IJMOT-2015-8-812 |
Abstract: | In this paper, we will present the design and the fabrication of a new configuration of a microstrip low pass filter. The originality of this work is that the final proposed filter is miniature and presents good performances in term of insertion loss around -0.15dB and it has a wide stopband until 7 GHz. The design of such filter is\r\nbased on the use of optimization and tuning methods integrated into two electromagnetic solvers ADS and CST-MWS. After the fabrication, the final LPF structure is tested which give a good agreement between simulation results for the both solvers and measurement responses. The proposed filter has a cutoff frequency of 2.33 GHz which makes it suitable for many standards like DCS "Digital communication system", and UMTS\r\n"Universal Mobile Telecommunications System" bands. The final circuit presents an area of 20x20mm2. |
Authors: | F. Benriad, J. Zbitou, B. Abboud, H. Bennis, A. Tribak, A. Mediavilla |
Submitted On: | 29/8/2015 |
Pages: | 53-57 |
Action: | [Full Paper]
No. of Downloads: 82 |
Manuscript Title: | Dual-band Band Stop Filter Based on Complementary Split Ring Resonator |
Manuscript Id: | IJMOT-2015-10-841 |
Abstract: | This paper describes the design of dual-band band stop filter (DBBSF). This architecture uses complementary split ring resonator to tune the band stop frequencies and the filter characteristics are improved using three open stubs. The CSRR is used to reject two frequency responses at 2.45GHz and 5.8GHz, operating in the Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) band, and the open stubs are employed to improve the return loss between the two frequency responses. To validate the design concept, a prototype of DBBSF was fabricated and evaluated. The measured frequency responses agree well with the simulation results, validating our proposed design. |
Authors: | Mohssine El Ouahabi , Alia Zakriti , Mohamed Essaaidi , Naima Amar Touhami |
Submitted On: | 22/10/2015 |
Pages: | 58-63 |
Action: | [Full Paper]
No. of Downloads: 101 |
Manuscript Title: | A Compact Stair Case Shaped Monopole Dual Band Antenna for Bluetooth/WLAN and UWB Applications |
Manuscript Id: | IJMOT-2015-11-862 |
Abstract: | In this paper, a compact (20 x 24 mm2 size) coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed monopole antenna with dual band characteristics is presented for Bluetooth/WLAN and ultrawideband (UWB) applications. The proposed structure consists of a modified stair case shaped rectangular radiating patch with an additional L-shaped strip for achieving UWB characteristics and a mirrored C-shaped resonant element is added at the corner of the patch to integrate the 2.45 GHz Bluetooth/WLAN band with the existing UWB. The first operating band characteristics can be controlled by changing the electrical length of the C-shaped element. To improve the impedance bandwidth of the second operating band, a closed ring shaped cut has been introduced in the patch. A prototype of the antenna was fabricated and the measured results (|S11| = -10 dB) demonstrate that the proposed antenna exhibits dual frequency operation from 2.4 to 2.52 GHz (Bandwidth of 120 MHz) and from 3.0 to 10.6 GHz (Bandwidth of 7.6 GHz). The antenna has almost omnidirectional radiation patterns in H-plane, bidirectional patterns in E-plane and acceptable peak gains across all relevant operating frequencies. |
Authors: | Praveen V. Naidu, Akshay Malhotra |
Submitted On: | 23/11/2015 |
Pages: | 64-71 |
Action: | [Full Paper]
No. of Downloads: 120 |
Manuscript Title: | Performance evaluation of coherent optical OFDM communications using LDPC codes |
Manuscript Id: | IJMOT-2015-10-842 |
Abstract: | The work presented in this paper is concerned by a technique that we have developed to simulate and evaluate advanced optical communications systems such as Coherent Optical OFDM (Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing), named CO-OFDM. We have implemented this technique by using a combination of two source software’s namely: Simulink of Matlab source software; OptiSystem software. Taking advantage of this solution, we particularly have assessed the performance of the system cited above increasing at a time thanks to the Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes the performance of the system Bit Error Rate (BER). The throughputs analysis of such a system estimated by simulations for different Forward Error Correction (FEC) is based on Turbo Codes (TC), Reed Solomon (RS) Codes and LDPC codes when transmitting a GB/s data through various lengths of Single Mode Fibers (SMF) and Multi Mode Fibers (MMF). The results carried out have shown clearly that the LDPC has earned the challenge by providing an excellent performance. |
Authors: | Moussa El yahyaoui, Ali El moussati, Kamal Ghoumid , Slimane Mekaou, Tijani Gharbi |
Submitted On: | 26/10/2015 |
Pages: | 72-79 |
Action: | [Full Paper]
No. of Downloads: 126 |