VOL. 10, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2015
Reno, NV 89511, U.S.A.
Banmali S Rawat


Manuscript Title:Single Band Frequency Notched Square Monopole UWB Antenna with Extended Stepped Side Inverted U Slot
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2015-1-674
Abstract:A printed monopole ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna of size 18mm × 12mm from FR4 substrate with single band-notched characteristics is proposed in this paper. The proposed antenna consists of a patch with the stepped corners to increase the band width and an extended stepped side inverted U slot to provide frequency notched function. This antenna has an operating frequency from 4.4 to 11.2 GHz with a return loss less than -10dB and a single band frequency notch from 5.13 to 5.85 GHz to avoid interference of UWB band with the existing systems. In this paper, the variations of frequency notched characteristics are discussed by varying the thickness of the slot. The design parameters and the performance of the proposed antenna are analyzed by using HFSS. Experimental and simulated results are in good agreement and the antenna displays a good omnidirectional radiation pattern.
Authors:Sudhakar, M. Satyanarayana, M. Sunil Prakash, Sudhir Kumar Sharma
Submitted On:24/1/2015
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 223
Manuscript Title:Realization and Measurements of a Miniature Square Patch Antenna for Ultra Wideband Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2015-3-703
Abstract:This paper presents a small square patch antenna for UWB communications. The designed antenna with dimensions of 14×19mm2 was fabricated on FR4 epoxy substrate dielectric with permittivity of 4.4. In this structure there is a square patch which consists of a partial ground plane and that is fed by a 50? microstrip line. This have been investigated numerically and experimentally in detail. As will be seen, the operation bandwidth of the fabricated antenna is from 3.82 to 11.72 GHz for S11?? -10dB, with stable and bi-directional radiation pattern. The gain is good and has a peak value of 4.55dBi. In terms of bandwidth, comparable results between the simulation and measurement results clearly shows the validity of the proposed structure. The simulation of this antenna has been performed by using Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) and Computer Simulation Technology- Microwave Studio (CST).
Authors:Soufian Lakrit, Hassan Ammor, Jaouad Terhzaz, Abdelwahed Tribak
Submitted On:17/3/2015
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 165
Manuscript Title:Dual-Band Printed Circular Disc Antenna with Two Parasitic Stubs for Wireless Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2015-4-712
Abstract:The performance of a dual-band printed circular disc antenna with two parasitic stubs is presented and experimentally investigated. The proposed antenna is composed of a circular patch, T- shaped and inverted L- shaped parasitic stubs with partial ground plane, which generates two separate bands for Bluetooth and wireless local area network (WLAN) applications. By adjusting the sizes and locations of two parasitic stubs, dual band operation with bandwidth of 280 MHz (2.28-2.56 GHz) and 2000 MHz (4.64-6.64 GHz) is achieved. The proposed antenna is experimentally tested and results are exhibited accordingly.
Authors:Jitendra Kumar Deegwal, Mahesh Chandra Govil, Mahendra Mohan Sharma
Submitted On:6/4/2015
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 113
Manuscript Title:Theory and Simulation of a Gyrotron Traveling Wave Tube for Small-Signal Analysis
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2015-4-719
Abstract:A kinetic-theory based method of analyzing the small-signal amplification of a transverse electric (TE) mode of a circular cylindrical waveguide linearly interacting with an annular beam of gyrating electrons in a gyro traveling wave tube (TWT) configuration is presented. The dispersion relation governing the linear interaction has been derived. When the cyclotron resonance condition is enforced over the entire frequency range by allowing the gyro-radius and the relativistic factor to be frequency-dependent, the initial growth-rate exhibit a sharp but large maximum to the left of chosen normalized frequency.
Authors:Jasmine Saini, Brajesh Kumar Dixit
Submitted On:15/4/2015
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 43
Manuscript Title:Design of 4-bits Switched Reflection Type Phase Shifter Using Semiconductor FET Switches
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2015-5-729
Abstract:In this paper, a new design of a switched reflection type 4-bits phase shifter is suggested. The design combines the properties of both reflection and switched topologies. The proposed structure uses PIN diodes and GaAs FET switches for switching several phase shifts and operates in the frequency band 2.3 GHz - 2.6 GHz. We use the dual transmission lines technique to miniaturize the branch-line coupler size, which permitted to obtain a reduced circuit size of the switched PS. Simulation results permit to get a phase error less than 0.5°, the returning losses are less than -15 dB while the insertion losses are less than -6 dB.
Authors:M. Mabrouki, S. Beldi, R.Ghayoula, A.Gharsallah
Submitted On:7/5/2015
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 47
Manuscript Title:Design of a Compact CPW Fed Antenna for UWB Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2015-5-731
Abstract:This paper presents a design of compact coplanar waveguide-fed antenna for ultra wideband (UWB) applications. The antenna design exhibits a very wide operating bandwidth of 14.3GHz with a return loss better than 10dB in the frequency range from 3.7GHz to 18GHz. The radiation pattern plots are also presented and discussed in this paper. The gain of the proposed antenna is around 4.8dBi. A prototype was fabricated and measured, and the obtained experimental results agree with simulations. With these performances, the proposed antenna can be used in wideband applications.
Authors:Alia Zakriti, Naima Amar Touhami, Mohssine El Ouahabi, Mohammed Lamsalli
Submitted On:13/5/2015
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 106
Manuscript Title:Printed Dual Band UWB Monopole Antenna with Tri Band Notched Characteristics for Wireless Communication
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2015-5-737
Abstract:A miniaturized microstrip fed printed ultrawideband (UWB) antenna with integrated Bluetooth and triple band notched characteristics for wireless communication is presented.The entire ultrawideband frequency (3.1 ~ 11 GHz) is achieved by using an octagonal radiating patch and modified ground plane (MGP). To prevent the possible interference between the UWB system and the existing narrow-band systems such as C-band satellite downlink (3.7 ~ 4.2GHz), WLAN (5.15 ~ 5.625GHz) and DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication: 5.625 ~ 5.95GHz) two half wavelength octagonal slots with band-notch characteristics are etched from the radiating patch and microstrip fed line respectively of the proposed antenna. Further, the characteristic of Bluetooth frequency band (2.4 ~ 2.484GHz) is enhanced by adding a J-shaped parasitic stub at one arm of radiating patch. The proposed antenna is designed and built on a FR-4 substrate; and has compact dimensions of 32 × 32 mm2. The simulated and measured results show that the proposed antenna yields an impedance bandwidth of 2.4-2.5 GHz and 3.1-11 GHz with VSWR = 2, except for the band notch bands of 3.7-4.2 GHz for C band satellite downlink and 5.15-6 GHz for WLAN and DSRC frequency band. The proposed antenna shows good impedance bandwidth, constant group delay, stable gain and good radiation pattern across all relevant frequency bands making it suitable for UWB application.
Authors:Rekha P. Labade, Dr. Shankar B. Deosarkar, Dr. Narayan Pisharoty, Dr. Akshay Malhotra
Submitted On:22/5/2015
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 104
Manuscript Title:The Half-Cutting Circular-Slot MIMO Antenna for UWB Application
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2015-5-738
Abstract:A miniaturization design of a novel circular slot UWB Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) antenna is presented and investigated in this paper. Via the half-cutting method, the size of the proposed antenna element is reduced from 37 × 37 mm2 to 37 × 18.5 mm2 and the total size of the circular-slot MIMO antenna is 37 × 48 mm2, which can operate in UWB bandwidth with edge to edge separation of nearly 0.18 ?0 at 3.1 GHz. In order to reduce the mutual coupling, nine slits was etched on the ground, which can prevent the strong coupled currents observed on antenna elements. The simulated and the measured results show the proposed antenna meets the requirement of wide operation bandwidth which covers from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz with |S11| = -10 dB and |S21| = -18 dB. The diversity performance of MIMO antenna is also investigated to provide its qualification in real wireless communication conditions. Compared to the existing MIMO antenna, the proposed MIMO antenna has a more compact size, better radiation characteristics, wider bandwidth, and better diversity performance to satisfy the requirement of the current UWB MIMO systems.
Authors:Yu-Ting Wu, Qing-Xin Chu
Submitted On:25/5/2015
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 62
Manuscript Title:Potentiality and Performance of Plasma Antenna Made from Fluorescent Tube for UHF Applications
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2015-4-716
Abstract:A plasma antenna was constructed using a commercially available fluorescent tube with length and diameter of 260 mm and 14 mm respectively. The tube is consisted of mercury vapor and argon gas mixture. After powering the tube, the gas inside will be ionized to plasma state. Hence, this later behaves as a conductor able to transmit or reflect electromagnetic waves. The return loss and the radiation pattern for this antenna are discussed in this paper throughout simulation and measurement. The results indicated that the plasma antenna is operating at 0.58 GHz frequency which is suitable for UHF applications.
Authors:M.Charif, M. Iben. Yaich, M. Khalladi ,S. El Adraoui, K.mounirh
Submitted On:14/4/2015
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 113
Manuscript Title:Chirped Bragg Grating Dispersion Compensation in Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Optical Long-Haul Networks
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2015-6-748
Abstract:In this paper, Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) has been introduced as a dispersion compensator in dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) for optical long-haul network. The new model has been compared with a previous work proposed by other authors having DCF as dispersion compensator. Both configurations have been modeled and simulated using the same initial setting so as to prove the efficiency of our model. For this purpose, different parameters of the Chirped FBG which include chirp parameter, apodization function and grating length, have been investigated in order to get the most suitable settings of the proposed model. The WDM transmission system is simulated using the advanced tools of Optisystem 7.0. The simulation results have been examined and validated by analyzing the eye diagram for short and long channel lengths, the Q-factor, the BER analysis and nonlinear effects at WDM network.
Submitted On:5/6/2015
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 47
Manuscript Title:Doppler Laser Radar for Measuring Road Target Range and Speed
Manuscript Id:IJMOT-2015-6-755
Abstract:Commercial in-car laser radar measures the target range, but does not provide the capability to measure target speed. All these types of system approximate target speed by range differentiation. Meanwhile, Doppler laser radar can improve the precision with which the speed is measured by about two orders of magnitude compared with the range differentiation method. However, in a traffic environment, the use of traditional Doppler laser radar is limited since it cannot measure the target range with the required high precision. In this paper, an in-car laser radar system together with a new amplitude modulation scheme is proposed in which the laser radar has the capability of simultaneously measuring the target range and speed with high precision. The length of the transmitted signal is of the order of a microsecond, giving the designed laser radar the capability of scanning at high speed. Experiments were performed to verify the validity of the proposed method.
Authors:Xuesong Mao, Jieni Zhang
Submitted On:18/6/2015
Action: [Full Paper] No. of Downloads: 37
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