Frquently Asked Questions

IJMOT is an International online published journal. This is 13 years old publication. This is one of the very few journals in the world where microwaves and optical technology have been combined. This certainly fulfills the long cherished desire of researchers who are working in both of these areas separately or as microwave photonics. They can now publish their work as full length papers in our journal.
As it's name showed it is an International journal of Microwave and Optical technology. We provide an online platform to the researchers who are working in both of these areas separately or as microwave photonics. They can now publish their work as full length papers in our journal.
Sorry, we publish only Microwave and Optical related papers only.
Yes, we use the general manuscript style of IJMOT. The template can be downloaded from  here. Please refer to IJMOT for Authors for detailed instruction for preparing your manuscript.
There are no registration, submission and we charge only publication fees for online publication in IJMOT. For more details kindly visit Publication Charges
© 2005 - International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology (IJMOT), IAMOT ISSN 1553-0396.
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